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"Mandala work has opened up new worlds for me both artistically and spiritually. Through Laural's loving and patient guidance, I have learned to explore my creativity without judging, and learned about the great truths that transcend religions." - Ellen Rosewall 


"After years of medical procedures, medication, and counseling, my physician gently told me that she could only do so much... I needed to take care of the whole ME. For 57 years, I had neglected and forgotten ME. My true self. Thus began my quest for spiritual wellness, which led me to Laural. By working through the origins of my pain, my healing process finally began. Laural has provided tools for continuing my personal growth, which will last a lifetime. I am witnessing my transformation and I am in awe." - Carol Feistel


"At a time of uncertainty in my life, with a story like most, I embarked on a soul retrieving journey with the hopes of getting comfortable in my skin and in my spirituality. I remained stuck, continually falling back on old patterns that did not work. And then she stepped in. A lovely white haired lady with a story of her own. She reached into my heart and over the period of a year was able to unlock the cage I had built around it. I learned what unconditional love was. It made my head spin. She gave me a tribal family. We were all different, yet all the same, wounded. Together we journeyed through tears and laughter to reclaim our soul. We are no longer the same, my tribal family and I. We are stronger. We are free. The work is not by any means over, but we have been given the tools to continue the journey." - Becky Mraz"


"The growth I have experienced from this inner work has made me calmer, more joyful, and less irritable. Even my husband has encouraged me on my spiritual journey because of the difference it has made in our relationship." - Diane Holschuh 


"The Mandala Chakra Retreat along with Laural's guidance and inspiration has opened my spirit to the infinite nature of what lies ahead. This was a very enlightening journey into my soul. I am forever changed and eternally grateful." - Donna Magiera Reynolds

"I didn't really know what to expect when I came to my first Mandala Morning class. I thought it had something to do with art and meditation. I came away feeling as if the mandalas we created were stained glass windows into hidden parts of our souls. It was not only enlightening, but so much fun! I'm hooked!" - Jean Wentz 

"A friend created a mandala for me as a "thank you" for something I did for them.  I was amazed by the power and beauty of the mandala she had created.  She had meditated on something that I was struggling with at the time to create it.  I was very intrigued when she told me she learned the technique from classes she attended.  I signed up for the next available class and had an incredible experience.  One class turned into two, two turned into three, and before I knew it, I had become a "Mandala Maniac" and had become part of a wonderful circle of strong, beautiful, generous souls.  I reconnected with old friends, made new ones, and realized I had found a spiritual community. Laural is a gifted instructor, a wellspring of information about other cultures, traditions, history, rituals, properties of plants, colors, crystals....the list goes on.  She creates a safe, nurturing, warm, friendly, and liberating environment in her classes.  The mandala I received as a gift and the classes could not have come at a better time in my life.  The classes have helped heal some very deep, old wounds, and has given me perspective on who I am and where I fit in this world in a gentle, loving, empowering way.  I look forward to what I will learn each time I attend a class." - Karen Quicker  

"Laural chose the chronological framework of time to follow the origins points and historical development of each belief system. This created an easy reference for comparisons, similarities and differences. Her amount of research was amazing and inspirational. It was an unique opportunity and I am truly thankful that I was able to experience it." - Ruth Wiersma 

"Laural was amazingly insightful and explained so many things that I had been experiencing for years. It shifted how I view myself, my world and my place in it. She provides a wonderfully serene healing environment that allows you to open yourself up to the truth that is you." - Lisa Krieg 
"Laural guides you through the processes with loving care and gentle direction. I know myself at a much deeper level. This knowing gives me the ability to understand the relationship(s) I have with myself. Understanding gives me trust. Trust makes me believe in myself. Believing in myself gives me my power. Others felt my power, but it wasn't until Laural's class that I did. And that feeling I can't even put into words." - Angie Haen 


"I was stuck and unable to breakthrough the blocks that prevented my spiritual growth.  I read books and learned about the power of our soul.  The words sounded nice but I couldn't really feel them. Each class provided a level of trust and courage to go places in my heart and mind that I would not go alone. I allowed myself to feel the precious gift that was  there all along.  I now trust my inner voice. I saw that the essence of Jesus's message of love fits perfectly with these ancient teachings of caring for the earth, yourself, and others." - Marcia Hutjens


© 2007 - Laural Virtues Wauters

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